I18n JS Toolkit

  1. I18n JS library
  2. ESLint plugin for automatic generation of files with translations
  3. Babel plugin for removing unnecessary locales in prod builds
  4. Ready-made Github Actions to synchronize translations between the service and your JS code
npm i localang-i18n-js

Use the JS library with any framework

Don't think about creating translation files and filling them out. Just write i18n('Your text') in any JS/TS file within your project and leave the rest to the JS library: it will create a new file with translations, then these texts will end up in Localang, automatically translated and updated to your codebase

import { i18n } from './index.i18n'; // auto-generated file
import { useName } from './useName';
import { useUnreadMessages } from './useUnreadMessages';

export default () => {
    const name = useName();
    const unreadMessages = useUnreadMessages();

    return (
                {i18n('Hi, {name}', { name })}
                {i18n('You have {count} unread messages', {
                    count: unreadMessages,