New Introducing I18n JS library!

Global Reach, Zero Effort: The Localization Ecosystem

Automate translations with AI, manage updates, and integrate seamlessly. Effortless multilingual support for your web applications.

Don't waste your time with translations

Localang can automatically translate texts and change translations in your code without your involvement

Manage translations

Give your employees the ability to add, modify, and delete translations without coding knowledge

Simplify working with translations in code

Use a JS library to manage translations in code: it's self-contained and doesn't waste developer time

Different tools for every need

A service for editing translations. You can change translations, use multiple languages, synchronize translations with code

I18n library for JS that can be used within any framework. Automatic generation of translation files, pluralization

Github Actions to synchronize translations between your Laravel project and a translation editing service

Github Actions to synchronize translations between your JS project using localang-i18n-js and a translation editing service

Use the JS library with any framework

Don't think about creating translation files and filling them out. Just write i18n('Your text') in any JS/TS file within your project and leave the rest to the JS library: it will create a new file with translations, then these texts will end up in Localang, automatically translated and updated to your codebase

import { i18n } from './index.i18n'; // auto-generated file
import { useName } from './useName';
import { useUnreadMessages } from './useUnreadMessages';

export default () => {
    const name = useName();
    const unreadMessages = useUnreadMessages();

    return (
                {i18n('Hi, {name}', { name })}
                {i18n('You have {count} unread messages', {
                    count: unreadMessages,